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About Waistbeads


Traditionally, waistbeads are African adornments that are worn between the waist and hips.  They consist of glass beads that are strung on a thread or string. Waistbeads date as far back as Ancient Egypt but expanded around the West African culture in Yoruba tribes.  Waistbeads began to be used by a number of different tribes and each tribe used waistbeads for their own individual purposes.  Some of those purposes include cultural heritage, spiritual reasons, gauging weight gain/loss, progression of pregnancy, newborn growth, femininity, rites of passage, fertility, sensuality, and sexuality. Waistbeads have quickly been introduced into modern culture and have gone from being used only traditionally, practically and spiritually to also being used as statement pieces with the simple intention of making the wearer feel beautiful and helping the wearer exude positive intentions and aspirations.

Who can wear waistbeads?

EVERYONE. EVERYBODY. There is a common opinion that only African or African-American women can wear waistbeads, however, at Made By Venus it is our belief is that ALL people can use waistbeads as a tool.  No matter the size, shape, height, race, gender, sex, or age. However, understanding the rich cultural, spiritual, and practical history of waistbeads and honoring their origin is the difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation.  Do your research, educate yourself, and be respectful.

How are MBV Waistbeads different?


We honor and pay homage to most of the traditional aspects of waistbeads.  However, for distinctive purposes there are differences in our brand.  We do not use cotton (or mercerized cotton) thread or string for our strands.  Instead we use premium thread that repels water, is fray resistant, soft and strong.  This results in a strand that is highly durable and hygienic and prevents rot and mildew from accumulating on your strand over time.  

Our maxim is Adornment As A Sacred Act--- this simply means that we believe that you are worthy of veneration & we advocate for the use of waistbeads as a way to exalt and revere your body. To intentionally carryout this purpose, we attach meanings to each waistbead.  Each product's description is filled with information pertaining to each particular waistbead's meaning.  We focus mostly on the healing aspects of color therapy as a tool for the Law of Attraction. However, meanings may be carried based on the energy of gemstones, metals, and colors used alike.For more information on how color influences your waistbeads, visit Color Map.

What are Waistbeads to us?

Waistbeads to us are an exchange of positive energy and a connection to African heritage and culture.  We strongly believe that waistbeads are a divine tool of veneration, healing, stimulation, mindfulness, wellness, and most importantly a tool for the Law of Attraction.  The primary force behind waistbeads are intentions.  These intentions can be used to heal, add positivity, remove negativity, and inspire growth and change in your everyday life. 

There are a pleothora of uses for waistbeads traditionally and modernly.  To make it more digestible, at MADE BY VENUS, we have divided our Artisan Waistbeads into three major groups: Accountability, Alignment and Adornment.

Waistbeads can be worn for physical reasons like tracking weight, or spiritual ones like drawing in luck, to decide what to manifest. Before you measure, consider where you want your waistbeads to lay. Where your waistbeads sit should depend on their intention. 

Waistbeads worn at the waistline or above the navel are intended for Accountability beads and help with managing weight.  Waistbeads worn at the high hip (near your sacral/womb area) are intended for Alignment beads and are worn for spiritual purposes.  Waistbeads worn at the low hip are considered Adornment beads are intended for femininity, sensuality, and attraction purposes.

Accountability Waistbeads are waistbeads are worn to keep the wearer accountable.  The most popular accountability purpose is for weight gain/weight loss.  Other accountability purposes include body awareness, posture correction and body positivity. However, accountability aspect can also be privately decided by the wearer.  Accountability Waistbeads are usually simple and free of embellishments.  Although they are tied permanently, they are meant to serve a purpose or goal and then be removed once that purpose or goal is acheived.  Solid and uniform types of waistbeads strands are best served as Accountability Waistbeads.

Alignment Waistbeads are waistbeads that are typically worn for intentional or spiritual purposes.  These purposes include attraction, manifestation, and intentional energy shifts.  Alignment Waistbeads are a little more involved and more embellished than Accountability Waistbeads.  They may include gemstones, crystals, and or spiritual charms.  They are typically used to help the wearer align with their internal spiritual, emotional, or mental aspirations.  Alignment Waistbeads can be made traditionally like the Accountability Waistbeads, or they can be made in a removable form with an attachment or on wire thread.  Because some Alignment Waistbeads are made with gemstones, wearers may like them to be created in a removable fashion to allow them to be charged and cleansed. Because these waistbeads sit between the second and third chakra (which is the center of life and energy) your intentions are amplified. Plus, when color therapy and gemstones are incorporated, certain energies can be called to meet specific needs.

Adornment Waistbeads are waistbeads that are typically worn for fashion or ornamental purposes.  Similar to a necklace or a bracelet, their primary job is to be worn in a temporary and visible fashion. There are many disputes surrounding wearing waistbeads as fast-fashion, however we are open to waistbeads being respectfully worn for all purposes.  Adornment Waistbeads typically are very flashy and gaudy so most wearers wear them over their clothes for public eyes.  Most Adornment Waistbeads are heavily embellished with faceted glass crystals and beads.  They are also usually made to be removed and not tied permanent.