Waistbeads: Colors & Their Meanings
Waist Bead color meaning are interpretive as individual tribes and cultures have their own symbolism around colors. Below you will find the themes around the colors we use here. Keep these colors when mind when seeking to buy body beads with intention and when customizing your orders with us.
Power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, anonymity, depth, style, assertive, spiritual maturity, and unity.
Peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, the sky, water, coolness, intelligence, dependable, spiritual sanctity, and harmony.
Earth, hearth, natural, organic, reliability, comfort, endurance, stability, simplicity, harmony, grounding, and comfort.
Security, reliability, intelligence, modesty, dignity, maturity, conservative, and practicality.
Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, rebirth, renewal, youth, vigor, spring, generosity, fertility, fruitfulness, eternal, hope, life, spirit, harmony, peace, strength, prosperity, and adaptability.
Prestige, illumination, wisdom, wealth, high quality, richness, royalty, extravagance, prosperity, courage, passion, sanctity, preciousness, and vitality.
Wisdom, self-mastery and spiritual realization, intuition dignity, integrity, imagination, intuition, knowledge, spiritual shield, inner vision and harnessing your inner child.
Energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.
Romance, love, friendship, spring, gratitude, appreciation, admiration, sympathy, socialism, femininity, health, joy, innocence tenderness, youthfulness, and delicacy.
Royalty, spirituality, nobility, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, wealth, healing, and virtue.
Vitality, life, excitement, energy, passion, desire, sexuality, sacrifice, strength, power, leadership, love, aggression, fire, bravery, action, determination, revolution, good luck, fortune, radiance, celebration of life and wealth.
Dignity, self-control, wisdom, emotional stability, responsibility, organization, Insight, female energy, cycles, rebirth, reincarnation, serenity, purity and joy.
Love, healing, generosity, emotion, feeling, intuition, individual responsibility, creativity, communication, intuition, self- reliance, tranquility, serenity, and independence.
Joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, intellect, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, philosophy, fertility, happiness, intellect, and energy.
Reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter, air, truth, quality, neutrality, cleanliness, good luck, healing, and peace.